Finding Peace Through Gratitude
◎Nancy Smeltzer/南希·斯梅尔策
It’s funny how sometimes a single occurrence can have profound effects on your life. There are those life-transforming events such as the birth of a child or the death of a loved one that are permanently fixed in your mind. Sometimes, however, an epiphany from the universe finds its way to you with a small, but insistent voice. Such a case for me was a single article in a recent issue of Yoga Journal entitled “Selfless Gratitude” by Phillip Moffitt.
Moffitt’s ideas have had a profound effect on my outlook[52] on life. It began when the title “Selfless Gratitude” caught my eye while thumbing through the pages. The words immediately spoke to me of noble virtues. While I aspire to be a loving, selfless person, I figure that I can use all of the help I can get to stay on my chosen course. I began reading.
As I am often plagued with depression, his belief that through joyful appreciation one can connect with the universe resonated[53] well with me. I have found that I do feel a profound oneness with the universe when I can
remember to show gratitude. He went on further to say that there are three ways to choose to express your gratefulness.“OK,” I said, “I can believe that.” I kept on reading.
His first two ideas may be hard for me to remember when I’m down. He began by saying that it’s easy to be grateful when you’re happy. He then went on to ask, but what about when you’re emotionally torn? I instantly identified with that sentiment, as I can positively glow when I feel great. However, when I’m depressed, I wallow in my dismal depths, and have a really hard time seeing any cause for rejoicing. He said that it is when we are at a low point that it is most important to be grateful. Reading this, I had to ask, “So, how am I supposed to be thankful when I’m in despair?”
As if anticipating my question, Moffitt went on to say that a second way to foster connection is to reflect on your past feelings of gratitude. You had it before, so where did it go? “Nowhere, really,” I thought. His take was that gratitude shouldn’t be a trade off for the gifts of the world. In other words, don’t just offer up a thank you when things are going well for you.
His third suggestion, while easy to accept, I know that I don’t do enough. Give thanks to those souls, he says, both known and unknown who have helped you in the past, and do so now. In other words, the ancestors who helped shape your world deserve more than just a nod. It’s easy to think fondly of my father and grandparents. Of course I’m glad that I knew them. I’m now trying to extend these feelings towards all of those that came before me and fought battles on a wide variety of fronts.
I think that those women artists who are older than I am and who got “women’s” art to be accepted, deserve a bow of appreciation from me. I’m also trying to remember to show gratitude to those who labor to make my world a better place. For a while now, I’ve been doing the following. When I
see the cleaning person in a public bathroom, I thank her for keeping the place so nice and clean. Her smile makes me all the more glad that I said something to her, and the joy comes back to me, doubly blessed.
The article “Selfless Gratitude” was only six pages, but what a powerful change those words have made in my life. Gratitude=Connection=Joy. Got it! I’ve had a chance already to try out some of these ideas, and feel that they’ll be useful in shaping my outlook on life. I have definitely filed the original article I read in a bright yellow folder among my important papers. Now, the test will be if I can remind myself of all of the glorious[54] things for which I’m thankful when the going gets rough. Now where was it exactly that I put that folder?