medical history 病史
age 年龄
aggravating factor 加重的因素
allergic history 过敏史
asplenic patient 无脾患者
bedside observation 床边观察
bleeding history 出血史
cardinal symptom 主要症状
chief complaint 主诉
clinical features 临床表现
concomitant symptom 伴随症状
constitutional symptom 全身症状
course of disease 病程
demographics 人口特征
determine cardiopulmonary status 确定心肺状况
distinguish the differential diagnoses 区分鉴别诊断
document B symptom in history 病史中记录B症状
duration of symptom 症状持续时间
Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status 美国东部肿瘤协作组体能状态评分
elicit an in-depth medical history 引出深入的病史
environmental exposure 环境暴露
environmental toxins 环境毒素
estimation of end-organ reserve 评估终末器官储备
estimation of the performance status 评估体力状态
ethnic background 种族背景
etiology 病因
exacerbating and alleviating factors 加重和缓解的因素
exaggerated bleeding 过度出血
exposure to agricultural pesticides 农业杀虫剂暴露
exposure to benzene and other organic solvents 苯和其他有机溶剂暴露
exposure to chemicals or other environmental hazards 化学物质或其他环境公害暴露
exposure to electromagnetic radiation 电磁辐射暴露
exposure to fertilisers 化肥暴露
exposure to hair dyes 染发剂暴露
exposure to herbicides 除草剂暴露
exposure to petroleum products 石油产品暴露
exposure to xylene 二甲苯暴露
family history 家族史
financial concerns of patient 患者的财务担忧
fragile patient 虚弱的患者
gather information from patient inquiry 从患者询问中收集信息
general health 一般健康状况
geographic area 地理区域
heavily pretreated patient 既往多次治疗的患者
hematologist 血液学家
history of present illness 现病史
history of previous transfusion 既往输血史
history of residence or origin in human T-cell lymphotropic virus type-1 (HTLV-1) endemic area 人类嗜T细胞病毒-1流行区域居住或出生史
immunocompetent patient 免疫功能正常的患者
immunocompromised patient 免疫功能低下的患者
immunodeficient individual 免疫缺陷者
immunosuppressed patient 免疫抑制患者
inducement 诱因
ingestion of raw or undercooked meat 摄入未加工或未煮熟的肉类
Karnofsky Performance Status Scale Karnofsky体力状态量表
leukemogen 致白血病物质
lifelong bleeding history 终身出血史
lifestyle of the patient 患者的生活方式
marital status 婚姻状况
minimal or no prior chemotherapy 既往极少或未接受化疗
multiple prior therapies 既往多次治疗
nutritional status 营养状态
occupational history 职业史
past history 既往史
patient compliance 患者依从性
patient preference 患者意愿
patient with adequate functional status 功能状态充分的患者
patient with borderline cardiac function 临界心功能的患者
patient with poor left ventricular function 左心室功能差的患者
patient with significant comorbidity 有严重合并症的患者
patient with very high leukocyte counts 白细胞计数非常高的患者
performance status (PS) 体力状态
personal and social history 个人史和社会史
precipitating factor 诱发因素
previously untreated or treated patient 既往未治疗或治疗过的患者
primary or secondary hematologic problem 原发或继发血液问题
prior lines of therapy 既往治疗线数
provide vital clues to the possible diagnosis 为可能的诊断提供重要线索
psychosocial assessment of the patient 患者的心理社会评估
radiation contact 辐射接触
recent weight change 近期体重变化
review previous medical records 查看既往病史
seek hereditary and environmental factors 寻找遗传和环境因素
sexual behavior 性行为
speed of onset 起病速度
spontaneous abortion 自发性流产
spontaneous or trauma related bleeding 自发性或创伤相关出血
time of admission 入院时间
time of record 病史记录时间
timing and acuity of onset 起病时间和缓急
tobacco smoking 吸烟
transfusion history 输血史
transfusion-dependent patient 输血依赖的患者
transfusion-independent patient 非输血依赖的患者
treatment-naive patient 未接受过治疗的患者
use of nonprescription drug and prescribed medications 使用非处方药和处方药
vegan 素食主义者