1.2 ISO 19600标准推荐的合规管理体系流程图
This international standard does not specify requirements,but provides guidance on compliance management systems and recommended practices.The guidance in this International Standard is intended to be adaptable,and the use of this guidance can differ depending on the size and level of maturity of an organization's compliance management system and on the context,nature and complexity of the organization's activities,including its compliance policy and objectives.
The flowchart in Figure 1-1 is consistent with other management systems and is based on the continual improvement principle (“Plan-Do-Check-Act”).

Figure 1-1 Flowchart of a compliance management system
图1-1中的流程图与ISO的其他管理体系(如ISO 9001、ISO 14001等)一致,基于持续改进原则(PDCA:计划—执行—检查—修正)。

图1-1 合规管理体系流程