Governance theory,as the hot topic in the study of social science since the late 20th century,has different definitions,types,and sub-themes in the way of different historical contexts and research approaches. The debate about governance theory highlights that diversity governance types are possible to peacefully co-exist. Actually,exploring the governance ability and efficiency is a common goal existed in different governance types. Furthermore,based on China’s governance practices,the theory of state governance presented by Chinese Communist Party extends and deepens the current framework of governance analysis. Meanwhile,this book provides the operationally and measurable index—government quality to evaluate the level of state governance,which can overcome the shortages of traditional index,such as world governance index. In practice,the government plays a critical role in the process of governance improvement. However,the changes in the size of government can not exactly reflect the performance and efficiency of public service,so that the objective knowledge on the quality of government and government scale is helpful not only for understanding the government policy,but also for government reform in the future. This book also studies the case of China’s special-issue-oriented governance,which reflects the governance complexity,advantages and disadvantages in practice. Finally,global governance gap,and its performance have been discussed and illustrated with data.
Keywords:Governance;State Transition;Government Quality;Governance Measurement