
Lesson 7 Baby Bye

Baby Bye,

Here's a fly;

We will watch him, you and I.

How he crawls

Up the walls,

Yet he never falls!

I believe with six such legs

You and I could walk on eggs.

There he goes

On his toes,

Tickling Baby's nose.

Spots of red

Dot his head;

Rainbows on his back are spread;

That small speck

Is his neck;

See him nod and beck!

I can show you, if you choose,

Where to look to find his shoes,

Three small pairs,

Made of hairs;

These he always wears.

Flies can see

More than we;

So how bright their eyes must be!

Little fly,

Ope your eye;

Spiders are near by.

For a secret I can tell,

Spiders never use flies well;

Then away,

Do not stay.

Little fly, good day.