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Section 1: First Steps and Basic Configuration
Chapter 1: Understanding the Core Technologies
Technical requirements
Understanding the zone-based firewall
Understanding App-ID and Content-ID
The management and data plane
Authenticating users with User-ID
Chapter 2: Setting Up a New Device
Gaining access to the user interface
Adding licenses and setting up dynamic updates
Upgrading the firewall
Hardening the management interface
Understanding the interface types
Section 2: Advanced Configuration and Putting the Features to Work
Chapter 3: Building Strong Policies
Understanding and preparing security profiles
Understanding and building security rules
Creating NAT rules
Chapter 4: Taking Control of Sessions
Controlling the bandwidth with quality of service policies
Leveraging SSL decryption to break open encrypted sessions
Redirecting sessions over different paths using policy-based forwarding
Chapter 5: Services and Operational Modes
Applying a DHCP client and DHCP server
Configuring a DNS proxy
Setting up high availability
Enabling virtual systems
Managing certificates
Chapter 6: Identifying Users and Controlling Access
User-ID basics
Configuring group mapping
Setting up a captive portal
Using an API for User-ID
User credential detection
Chapter 7: Managing Firewalls through Panorama
Setting up Panorama
Device groups
Setting up templates and template stacks
Panorama management
Section 3: Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Chapter 8: Upgrading Firewalls and Panorama
Documenting the key aspects
Preparing for the upgrade
The upgrade process
The rollback procedure
Special case for upgrading older hardware
The downgrade procedure
Chapter 9: Logging and Reporting
Log storage and forwarding
Configuring log collectors and log collector groups
Logging Service
External logging
Configuring log forwarding
The Application Command Center
Filtering logs
z: VPN and Advanced Protection
Setting up the VPN
Custom applications and threats
Zone protection and DoS protection
Chapter 11: Troubleshooting Common Session Issues
Using the tools at our disposal
Interpreting session details
Using the troubleshooting tool
Using maintenance mode to resolve and recover from system issues
Chapter 12: A Deep Dive into Troubleshooting
Understanding global counters
Analyzing session flows
Debugging processes
CLI troubleshooting commands cheat sheet
Chapter 13: Supporting Tools