第1章 序言
Since China's reform and open to the outside world,there have been deep changes taking place in the structure of China's social stratum,which is an event of great significance to the construction of military talented personnel so as to correctly grasp the status quo of dividedness and mobility of the social class and stratification,characteristics and trend and to reveal the effect on construction of military talented personnel due to social changes.
The research topic is studied here under the general background characteristic times in which the Marxist stance,viewpoint and method and the latest formulation on the status quo of China's social class and stratification put forward by the Communist Party of China(CPC),an exposition on promoting theory innovation are used as ideological guideline and principles of methodology,as well as the theory of talent studies on relationship between social environment and growth of talented personnel and studies on theoretical viewpoint and method of contemporary sociology on social stratification and mobility analysis,and where the construction of military talented personnel is placed on trend forging ahead toward the great goal of modernization,deep reform economic system,deep change of social structure,deep adjustment of interest distribution and deep change of ideology,etc.The paper probes for interaction of army man group and each vocational group of the whole society in the divided and mobile process and discusses the effect on the construction of military professional rank to the People's Liberation Army(PLA)on the basis of statistical dada of social investigation,by the method of combing macro with micro-analysis,theoretical with experimental analysis and qualitative with quantitative analysis,and through three levels of openning-up and reform,sub-environment of medium scale between macro and micro of the national personnel system and minor environment of micro personnel policy-making within the PLA.
The owning rate of resources of organization,economy and culture is distinguished from social stratum.The change of owning rate of resources of material(wealth,e.g.),relationship(power,prestige,information,e.g.)and culture(knowledge,education,e.g.)is made clear through the social investigation of the army man group under the rapid change of social transformation of China's social talented personnel market distribution on positions of politics,economy,society and values of the military talented personnel group and characteristics of social and self assessment of military talented personnel.It brings to light the interest relationship between army man,a special group in contemporary period and other social professional group between military talented personnel group and other social talented personnel group,and also reveals the characteristics and impact on army man,especially on the mobility of military talented personnel due to the dividedness of social strata and the change of social mobility mechanism.Under such circumstances,measures are made to solve all problems mentioned above.They are realized by deepening the reform of wages and welfare system for the army man in order to set up a rational mechanism that is suited to the readjustment of all social interests and the requirement of modernization,which should be fully characterized by representing military so as to assure their own social position and rational interests,providing necessary material guarantee for the construction of the high qualified military personnel rank.It fits in with the need of knowledge-oriented economic age,build the capital property system for military talented personnel,solve the mechanism problem of distribution according to the key element,realize the effective encouragement for high-level personnel,eliminate the fundamental obstacle of market distribution of high-level military talented personnel,solve the difficult problem appealing to the high-level military talented personnel,explore ways of a career army man institution,solve the problem of settlement policy for demobilized army man that lags behind the civilian personnel system,strengthen the construction of value system of the army man,establish the values system and value evaluation system of the army man that accord with the demands of the age requirement so as to make them set up correct viewpoint of interests to set their mind at ease working hard for the PLA and be approved by society due to their contribution to their country and society,forming public opinion atmosphere where being beneficial to military talented personnel growing up and strengthening the construction of the military talented personnel in light of both spirit and material aspects.