“Society develop with human beings as key.Human beings develop with health as the fundamentality.”With the development of society, the problem of fitness and health is getting more and more importan.t“Fitness”is the unique angle of view through which sport science stud-ies the problem of health.As concepts of health and modes of medicine changed greatly,the“three-dimension concept of health”and“bio-logical-psychological-social”mode of medicine have been widely i-dentified.The topics that how fitness research responds to the new situ-ation and what indeed are relations between fitness and health have be-come important have become important tasks for fitness study.
A logical analysis method was firstly employed to discuss theoreti-cally the concepts of fitness and health,as well as relations between them.Then based on these analyses,the middle-aged and aged Bei-jingers(30~69qears old)were taken as objects of study,1206 objects 'fitness and health were examined(by using health scale).Thus, plenty of firsthand data were collected.Relations between fitness and population- sociology characteristic,relations between fitness and style,and relations between three-dimension health(psychological physiological and social)were analyzed in this article.The conclusions are as follows:
1.Definition of“fitness”
Fitness is the quality of human body,relatively stable traits in the two aspects of body and mind that based on inborn inheritance and in-fluenced by postnatal environment,human body progressively forms in the process of growing,developing and decaying.
2.Relations between fitness and health
(1)Fitness is the physical basis of health,and health is the out-ward expression of fitness.The closely-related two are inseparable.
(2)Fitness is a kind of“trait”Health is a kind of“state”.
(3)Fitness is the ability that human body maintains well state of health.
3.Fitness and population-sociology characteristic
(1)Schooling correlates markedly to fitness.Fitness has a tenden-cy of improving according to enhancement of schooling.Those who have postgraduate schooling have the best fitness,while those who have primary schooling have the poorest fitness.
(2)Fitness of the middle-aged and aged with different occupa-tions:professional and technical personals have the best fit-ness.Farmer's fitness presents a phenomenon of polarization.Personals in trades of commerce and service have a medium level of fit-ness.Workers and management personals have relatively poor fit-ness.Especially worker's fitness is the poores.t
(3)State of marriage has a certain correlation to fitness.Fitness of the married is the bes.t Those whose spouses died,who never married, and who were living apart have the poorest fitness.
(4)There exist some relationships between number of family members and fitness.Those whose family members are 2 or 3 have the best fitness,while those whose family members are l or 6 have the poorest fitness.
4.Fitness and life styles
(1)Males who smoke occasionally have the best fitness.Those who often smoke have the poorest fitness.The fitness of those who never smoke is in a middle leve.l The vast majority of females(94.0%) never smoke.
(2)Males who drink occasionally have the best fitness.Those who never drink have the poorest fitness.As to female,those who drink oc-casionally have better fitness than those who never drink.
(3)The fitness of those who sleep 5~6 hours and 7~8 hours is obviously better than that of those who sleep 3~4 hours and more than 9 hours.Those who sleep 5~6 hours and 7~8 hours have about the same fitness.Those who sleep 3~4 hours have the poorest fitness.
(4)Those who have a habit of taking breakfast everyday have the best fitness.Those who do not have a habit of taking breakfast have the poorest fitness.
(5)Fitness of those who often exercise and who exercise everyday is obviously better than that of those who never exercise and who exer-cise occasionally.Fitness of those who often exercise and that of those who exercise everyday are in about the same leve.l Those who never ex-ercise have the poorest fitness.
5.Fitness and three-dimension health
(1)Fitness closely correlated to physiological health,especially in aspects of cardiovascular system,fatigue feeling,illness rate,muscul-skeletal system and respiration system.Fitness and physiological health have a tendency of correlating more closely as age grows.
(2)The existing method of fitness examination can not reflect the contents of psychological health,so research of psychological test con-tents should be strengthened.
(3)Some correlations between fitness and social health exist, which also have relationship with age.Fitness of the aged(above 60 years old)has correlation to social health.Fitness of the young has no correlation to social health on the whole.
Key word:fitness,health,three-dimension health,life style