第三节 匹配题制胜全攻略
1 阅读选择项进行语法特征的判断,通过题目,优先确定几个正确答案。
2 找出题目中的关键词,最好先定位到原文中的一个段落。
3 从头到尾快速阅读该段落,根据题目中的其他关键词确定正确答案。
4 要注意顺序性,即题目的顺序和原文的顺序基本一致。
5 所填答案必须符合语法规范。
6 绝大部分答案来自原文原词。
7 答案词数不会很长。
例如:In addition to basic residence fees,most universities make minor additional charges for items such as registration fees,damage deposits,and power charges.
As well as basic college residence fees,additional charges are usually made,but are described as.
有的考生可能会答registration fees,damage deposits,and power charges,因为词数太多,所以应首先怀疑它们是错误的,而且这几项费用出现在such as后面,是列举而非概括。正确答案应为minor,即附加费用被描述为少量的、微不足道的。
8 答案绝大部分是分词短语或句子。
9 要特别注意顺序性。
American Families
1.Despite social and economic differences among Americans,many American families have certain characteristics in common.Both the husband and wife were born in the United States,and their forefathers came from Europe.They have completed high school,and they belong to the middle class.They have a car,a television set,a washing machine,a refrigerator,a telephone,etc.They own their own home and spend about 55% of their income for housing and food.Clothing accounts for almost 10% of their income,medical care 6%,transportation 8% and taxes 15%.The rest of their income is used for such items as insurance,savings,gifts and recreation.
2.Most families consist of a mother,a father,and,at most,two children living at home.There may be relatives—grandparents,aunts,uncles,cousins living in the same community,but American families usually maintain separate households.This family structure is known as the “nuclear family”.It is unusual for members of the family other than the husband,wife,and children to live together.
3.Marriage in the United States is considered a matter of individual responsibility and decision.Young people frequently fall in love and marry even if their parents disagree.American marriages are usually based on romantic love,rather than on social class,education,or religion.
4.After their marriage the young couple is free to decide where to live and when to start a family.Most young couples set up their own household immediately.In the early 1970s only 1.5% of all married couples were not living on their own—independently and by themselves.Most married people practise some kinds of birth control.They plan the number of children they are going to have and when their children will be born.The practice of limiting the size of families has general approval.The birth rate has been declining steadily in recent years.
1.There are ______ among many American families.
2.______ are usually small.
3.Young Americans make their own decisions ______.
4.The birth rate ______.
[A] has been dropping over the last few years
[B] on marriage
[C] Most American families
[D] some similar features
[E] live with their parents
[F] Most married couples