

That Friday, as usual, the girls too were watching the boys. The girls stood at one side. The boys tried to look manlymanly adj.有男子汉气概的 loiteringloiter v.闲荡;徘徊 on the other side.

It was just a mattermatter n.问题 of who would make the first move. Sometimes, one of the boys would approachapproach v.接近 one of the girls. This happened more often.

Loud cheers and applauding followed when the girl accepted the boy's invitation. However, if he is rejected, sounds of“boo” were heard. The boy had to hold his head up and walk back to this side.

When the girls were tired of waiting for the boys to approach them, they would browsebrowse v.浏览 the shop windows. They liked to wander into Times Bookshop to look at the magazines on the shelvesshelf n.架子.

But mostly, the girls gathered in groups and talked or leant on the railingsrailing n.金属栏杆 and looked down. Their favourite view was the ice-skating rinkrink n.溜冰场 on the ground floor.

They could see the gracefulgraceful adj.优雅的 bodies twisting and twirling on the ice. They could not help but marvelmarvel v.大为赞叹 at the way these people skated.

They wished they could skate like those people.

Then, Peter from the “Diehardsdiehard n.顽固者 Boys”gang approached the girls. This group of schoolboys were from a nearby boys'school.

They were from Brooke School. They were well known for excellingexcel v.擅长 in sports. Whenever the name of their school was mentionedmention v.提到, there would be talks about the football and badminton matches the school teams had won.

So, the boys would not hesitatehesitate v.犹豫 to say they were from the school. And that was said with a lot of pride.


Strike the iron while it is hot.


The girls teasedtease v.嘲笑 Sally for they noticed Peter talking to her. For the last one month, Peter was trying to impressimpress v.给……留下印象 Sally with his tight jeans and red T-shirts.

That afternoon, he tried to catch her attentionattention n.注意 and invited the whole group to join his gang for a meal at “Fish and Chips” cafe. But, Sally pretendedpretend v.假装 not to be interested. And her eyes did a butterfly flutter.

“Not keenkeen adj.有兴趣的, ” she shruggedshrug v.耸肩. But, deep in her heart, she wanted to say “Yes”.

This gesture made Peter become bolderbold adj.大胆自信的. He shoved his face forward at her but the girls pushed him gently away.

“Come to the movie with me, dear Sally, ”he pleaded.

On hearing this, Jenny who professedprofess v.声称 to be Sally's best friend gave him a sour look. This seemed to say he had the nervenerve n.勇气 to ask one of them out.

To Jenny, he was not of their class at all. And the girls only went out with boys of their class.

“No, ” Sally told him and then started giggling. She could not show her eagernesseagerness n.热切;迫切 to accept his invitation in front of her friends.

Everyone watched the pair and laughed, wonderingwonder v.想知道;想弄明白 what would happen next. The girls' attention was now distracteddistract v.分散;转移 by a tourist. He was taking pictures of them and the shoppers. They hootedhoot v.发出大声 with laughter. Soon, they were making faces at the camera.

Annoyedannoy v.使恼怒 by this, the tourist directed his camera elsewhere. He did not want to take pictures of them anymore.