03 书单:FT推荐2016年出版最值得读的17本书

△来源: FT.com
/Lionel Barber
Editor of the Financial Times
Ian W Toll's The Conquering Tide: War in the Pacific Islands, 1942-1944 (WW Norton) is a riveting account of how the US clawed its way back from defeat against initially unstoppable Japanese air, land and sea invasion forces after Pearl Harbor.
Volume two in Toll's Pacific trilogy starts with the battle of Guadalcanal, a blood-soaked speck in the ocean.Toll offers a masterly guide to naval warfare and decision-making in Tokyo and Washington.He captures the brutish, all too often short life on deck and in the foxholes.This is military history at its best.Bring on volume three!

△来源: amazon.com
/Simon Schama
FT contributing editor
推荐2016年布克奖(Man Booker Prize)获奖作品《背叛》。
If you haven't already read Paul Beatty's The Sellout (Oneworld/FSG), your life is the more meagre for the omission.
/Lisa Randall
Author of Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs
《Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs》作者
I recommend Jane Mayer's Dark Money (Scribe/ Doubleday)—not because of the wordplay on dark matter but because Mayer's book does as good a job as any could of explaining how extreme, even crazy ideas have not only become normal in political dialogue and policy but have even come to dominate.Mayer's point isn't just that money can buy elections.It's that it can buy ideas, or at least their acceptance.
As a professor, I'm especially disturbed by money that buys centres at universities, which legitimise ideas to be used by purchased think-tanks that are then used to justify atrocious policies.Dark Money helps us understand our radically changed landscape.
/Xiaolu Guo
Author of I Am China
《I Am China》作者
Surely this is not the 90-year-old master's last work.With Confabulations (Penguin), John Berger fashions his brand of reflective and sensual prose into a slim but utterly beautiful book.From Rosa Luxemburg to eel fishermen, from a prisoner painter to Charlie Chaplin, this essay collection can be read in one sitting—which I did in a café.
You feel his realness: “I picture myself not so much as a consequential, professional writer, but as a stopgap man.” The more I read Berger, the more I adore him.Tell me: why do the best English artists always live outside Britain?

△来源: amazon.com
/Alec Russell
Editor of FT Weekend
In the aftermath of the 1989 revolution I interviewed many of the great musicians and actors in Romania—and had precious little sympathy for the compromises they had had to make under the tyrant Ceausescu.I stand corrected if not abashed after reading Julian Barnes' haunting novel on the agonies of Shostakovich under Stalin and his successors.The Noise of Time (Jonathan Cape/Knopf) takes on the millennia-old tension between art and power.
I recommended it to a friend who for years was one of the great reviewers at the Washington Post.His reply: “It's an extraordinary book.It's a book that makes me wish I were reviewing again.”
/Ottessa Moshfegh
Author of Eileen
推荐Amie Barrodale的《You Are Having a Good Time》。
This is a book that can single-handedly guide a mind up to a higher plane, gently but forcefully, with a brilliant sense of humour.

/Catherine Merridale
Author of Lenin on the Train
《Lenin on the Train》作者
Second-Hand Time, by Svetlana Alexievich (Fitzcarraldo/Random House), was certainly the year's most harrowing read.The voices she assembled were all different, yet somehow she drew their testimonies about life in the old Soviet Union into a coherent, symphonic whole.
Listening to accounts of mass-murder and betrayal is not easy—the printed pages reek of bitterness and rage—yet there is something gracious in Alexievich's prose; she helps us to avoid the obvious mistake of judging anyone.Her book left me with nightmares, but it opened windows on a time and culture that few foreigners can know.
/Philippe Sands
Author of East West Street
《East West Street 》作者
On the desire not to forget, few works can match Marceline Loridan-Ivens' extended love letter to her father, But You Did Not Come Back (Faber/Grove Atlantic), an essay on loss and memory.Travelling together as they are deported, the two are later separated.Somehow he slips her a few lines, “a stained little scrap of paper”, which she mislays but never forgets.She returns home; he does not.Seven decades pass, to nourish this beautiful, deeply affecting memoir.
In a lighter vein, but evoking similar themes, Keggie Carew's Dadland: A Journey Into Uncharted Territory (Chatto & Windus) gripped from beginning to end.
Keggie Carew的《Dadland:A Journey Into Uncharted Territory》唤醒了同样的主题,不过这本书的故事线更为轻松,从头至尾都扣人心弦。
/Sebastian Mallaby
Author of The Man Who Knew: The Life and Times of Alan Greenspan
Peter Conti-Brown's The Power and Independence of the Federal Reserve (Princeton) is a study of what might be called the Fed's unwritten constitution.Nowhere is the central bank's independence encoded in law; it is a convention, and a fragile one.
At times the Fed has enjoyed a high degree of independence, as it did during the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations.At other times hostile presidents have brought the central bank to heel.For today's Fed leaders, it is a sobering lesson.
/Petina Gappah
Author of Rotten Row
《Rotten Row》作者
今年Cassava Republic出版社发行的作品表现抢眼。Petina Gappah的推荐有Sarah Ladipo Manyika的抒情诗调的小说《Like a Mule Bringing Ice Cream to the Sun》,Elnathan John的成长教育小说《Born on a Tuesday》和Abubakar Adam Ibrahim的《Season of Crimson Blossoms》。
/Lucy Kellaway
FT columnist
Imagine Me Gone (Hamish Hamilton/Little, Brown) is about a father who kills himself and a son who later does the same.Adam Haslett's second novel, about what mental illness does to the bonds within a New England family, ought to be too harrowing to read for pleasure.Instead it is so understanding, so intelligently written that it is as uplifting as it is upsetting.Love may not be strong enough to change the course of mental illness—but it defines the survivors and ends up saving them.

△来源: amazon.com
/Mohamed El-Erian
Author of The Only Game in Town: Central Banks, Instability, and Avoiding the Next Collapse
《The Only Game in Town: Central Banks, Instability, and Avoiding the Next Collapse》作者
推荐Iris Bohnet的《什么管用?》,这本书也曾入围了FT/麦肯锡年度最佳商业图书奖。
In What Works: Gender Equality by Design (Harvard), Iris Bohnet provides both business leaders and government officials with important insights on what to do and the mistakes to avoid.
/Eka Kurniawan
Author of Man Tiger and Beauty is a Wound
《Man Tiger》和《Beauty is a Wound》作者
I always enjoy Sjón's books, but Moonstone: The Boy Who Never Was (Sceptre) is an experience like no other.His portrayal of Reykjavik in 1918 is magical.
/Lionel Shriver
Author of The Mandibles: A Family, 2029-2047
《The Mandibles: A Family, 2029-2047》作者
I got a big kick out of Nathan Hill's The Nix (Knopf)—an astonishingly polished piece of work for a first novel.
wordplay ['wɜːdpleɪ]
Not because of the wordplay on dark matter but because Mayer's book does as good a job as any could of explaining how extreme, even crazy ideas have not only become normal in political dialogue and policy but have even come to dominate.
不是因为文字方面《暗钱》和我自己著作书名(《Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs》)不谋而合,而是因为梅耶尔的书很好地阐释了,极端乃至疯狂的想法如何成为政治对话和政策方针中的常态,还甚至占据了主导地位。
harrowing ['hærəʊɪŋ]
Second-Hand Time, by Svetlana Alexievich was certainly the year's most harrowing read.
unwritten constitution
Peter Conti-Brown's The Power and Independence of the Federal Reserve (Princeton) is a study of what might be called the Fed's unwritten constitution.