4.2 课后习题详解
第一节 动态动词的静态译法
1. 希望你们考虑一下我们的意见。
【答案】I would much appreciate it if you could take our advice into consideration.
2. 选择朋友,越谨慎越好。
【答案】One can never be too careful in the choice of one’s friends.
3. 但他踌躇了一会儿,终于决定还是自己送我去。
【答案】But after much hesitation, he finally decided to see me off himself.
4. 我为她的健康担忧。
【答案】I am anxious about her health.
5. 我带孩子上街去走走。
【答案】I took my child to the street for a walk.
6. 他们不顾一切困难和挫折,坚持战斗。
【答案】They kept on fighting in spite of all difficulties and setbacks.
7. 我们全体赞成他的建议。
【答案】We are all in favor of his advice.
8. 这份报告虽然很长,但不切要领,我看不懂。
【答案】Although the report is very long, it is beside the point and beyond my comprehension.
9. 请让我过去。
【答案】Please let me through.
10. 风把烛火吹灭了。
【答案】The wind blew the candle out.
11. 他一想到这场灾难,就两腿僵硬得一步都挪不动了。
【答案】At the thought of the disaster his legs stiffened under him and he couldn’t move a step further.
12. 我们知道,掌握一门外国语是不容易的。
【答案】We know that the mastery of a foreign language is not easy.
13. 我遵照你的指示一直在这儿等着。
【答案】I have been waiting here in obedience to your order.
14. 这种人闹什么东西呢?闹名誉,闹地位,闹出风头。
【答案】What are they after? They are after fame, after position and they want to cut smart figures.
15. 不在其位,不谋其政。
【答案】Out of position, out of administration.
16. 他到商店去买酱油。
【答案】He went to the store for a bottle of sauce.
17. 她漂亮得无法形容。
【答案】Her beauty is beyond words.
18. 一座跨越杭州湾的大桥已经开始建设。
【答案】A bridge has been under construction, which will span the Hangzhou Bay.
第二节 静态动词的动态译法
1. 这些磁带已经不能用了,完全可以处理掉了。
【答案】These tapes are useless, so they are completely disposable.
2. 她当选亚洲小姐,我们都很高兴。
【答案】We are happy with her selection as the Miss Asia.
3. 恐怕你的建议是行不通的。
【答案】I am afraid your advice is not workable at all.
4. 我现在上了年纪,总好忘事。
【答案】I am old now and always forget things.
5. 她对是否要把事实真相公布于众而犹豫不决。
【答案】She is very hesitant about whether to reveal the truth to the public.
6. 我现在感到很后悔,我本不该对她那么粗鲁的。
【答案】I’m regretful now for my rudeness to her.
7. 他对过去追悔莫及,并保证永远不再开汽车了。
【答案】He is very sorry for his past, and he has promised to give up motorcars entirely.
8. 那里的工艺品品种齐全,价格公道,质量可靠。
【答案】The arts and crafts there are complete in range, reasonable in price and reliable in quality.
9. 她对我的错误采取宽容的态度,这使我深受感动。
【答案】She is tolerant of my mistake, which deeply moves me.
10. 听到敲门声,我顿时睡意全消。
【答案】I awaked up when I was hearing the door was knocked..