4.3 翻译示例汇总
【译文】The mastery of language is not easy and requires painstaking effort.
【译文】There is a steady increase in population.
【译文】An increase in business requires an increase in the amount of money coming into general circulation.
【译文】To resign now would be an admission of failure.
【译文】Borrowing money is an abuse of friendship.
【译文】They are considering the release of the jailed leader.
【译文】News of the discovery of gold in California excited the nation.
【译文】She is a good teacher.
【译文】He is a lover of pop music.
【译文】He has been the ruler of the region for as long as twenty years.
【译文】She spoke English well with an American accent, not though, a very exaggerated one.
【译文】The government is behind this project.
【译文】Then a figure with a dripping-wet bag round its head dashed through the flame-filled back door.
【解析】原文中的动词“蒙着”在译文中转换成了介词短语round its head,修饰figure。这样,译文结构就显得层次分明,十分紧凑。
【译文】The machine is in operation.
【译文】The police is in pursuit of the criminal.
【解析】原文中的“抓”是一个表动作的动态词,在译文中in pursuit of是一介词加名词的结构,使得译文总体呈现出静止的特征。
【译文】He has intelligence beyond the ordinary.
【译文】That is a picture after Picasso.
【译文】Then I felt the gun, cold, against my head.
【译文】We must be off now.
【译文】The performance is on.
【译文】He is content with such kind of life.
【译文】John is quite familiar with the machine.
【译文】This program was not popular with all of the troops.
【译文】He was an able and successful one.
【译文】His ill health has been a very anxious business.
【译文】I am quite ignorant of what they intend to do.
【译文】The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
【译文】My teaching and my family are proving more than enough to fill my time.
【译文】1949 witnessed great changes in China.
【译文】May Day saw the opening of the meeting.
【译文】Tianjin first saw the rise of the movement.
【译文】The mistake escaped me/my notice.
【译文】His name escaped my memory for the moment.
【译文】The National Day of this year falls on a Friday.
【译文1】Mr. Smith is working.
【译文2】Mr. Smith is at work.
【译文】To the south of the city lies a river.
【译文1】It seems that we should hold on to opportunities in a certain period to accelerate our development for several years. As problems crop up in the process, we will solve them immediately and continue to forge ahead.(《北京周报》)
【译文2】It seems to me that, as a rule, at certain stages we should seize the opportunity to accelerate development for a few years, deal with problems as soon as they are recognized, and then move on.(外文出版社)
【解析】译文1中的“hold on to”是一个静态概念,而译文2中的“seize”则具动态特征,前者表示“抓住已有的机会”,后者表示“要去抓取尚未到手的机会”。两种译文在表达原文中的动态动词“坚持”时,理解和表达有着明显的不同。
【译文】He was reluctant to accept the expensive gift.
【译文】The Chinese government is very concerned about the flooded areas in your country.
【译文】The students’ in that school were very cooperative, so we finished the questionnaire very soon.
【译文】It’s natural that children are more demonstrative than adults.
【译文】That rule is not applicable to Our case.
【译文】What he said is dismissible, so don’t take it to heart.
【译文】If we are frequently exposed to English, we will master it naturally.
【译文】Turning around, she saw an ambulance driving up.