026 Clarinda, Mistress Of My Soul
Tune: Clarinda
Clarinda, mistress of my soul,
The measur'd time is run!
The wretch beneath the dreary pole
So marks his latest sun.
To what dark cave of frozen night
Shall poor Sylvander hie,
Depriv'd of thee, his life and light,
The sun of all his joy?
We part—but, by these precious drops
That fill thy lovely eyes,
No other light shall guide my steps
Till thy bright beams arise!
She, the fair sun of all her sex,
Has blest my glorious day;
And shall a glimmering planet fix
My worship to its ray?
Title Clarinda, Mistress Of My Soul: Clarinda, My Soul's Mistress
This poem was a parting song to Mrs Mclehose when Burns was about to leave Edinburgh in 1788.
Stanza 1
Line 2 measur'd: measured, limited
Stanza 2
Line 2 Sylvander: pen name of Burns; hie: hasten, run quickly
Line 3 Depriv'd of: stripped
Stanza 3
Line 2 thy: your
Stanza 4
Line 2 blest: blessed