
Sonnet 12

ONE day I sought with her hart-thrilling hart-thrilling:打动人心的。 eies,

To make a truce, and termes to entertaine entertaine:条约谈判。:

All fearlesse then of so false enimies,

Which sought me to entrap in treasons traine traine:叛逆的诱惑。.

So as I then disarméd did remaine,

A wicked ambush, which lay hidden long

In the close close:隐秘的。 covert covert:灌木丛。 of her guilefull eyen,

Thence breaking forth, did thick about me throng,

Too feeble I t'abide the brunt brunt:突击,猛袭,猛攻。 so strong,

Was forst to yeeld my selfe into their hands:

Who me captiving streight straight:紧紧地。 with rigorous wrong,

Have ever since me kept in cruell bands.

So, Ladie, now to you I doo complaine,

Against your eyes that justice I may gaine.