9.3 Selection of Transportation Mode for Iron and Steel Plant
9.3.1 Water transport shall be used as much as possible for external transport of raw materials,fuel and finished materials of iron and steel plants close to navigable river and sea.
9.3.2 Railway transport should be used for inland iron and steel plants of which the volume of raw material and fuel and finished product transport is large and transport distance is long.
9.3.3 Belt conveyer or pipe transport may be used for delivering the raw materials and fuels when the iron and steel plant is near the raw material/fuel source,transport distance is short,and techno-economic comparison result is positive.
9.3.4 Truck transport should be used for transporting the auxiliary raw materials,materials,spare parts and by-products of the iron and steel plant.
9.3.5 If railway transport is used for transporting in the bulk raw materials and fuel input or transporting out the finished products,the wagon should have direct access to the loading/unloading point.
9.3.6 If water transport is used for transporting in the bulk raw materials and fuel input or transporting out the finished products,belt conveyer should be used for the raw material/fuel transportation from wharf to comprehensive raw material yard,and road or railway be used for product transportation from the finished product bay or finished product storage of rolling shop to wharf.
9.3.7 Belt conveyer transport should be used for transporting bulk raw materials,fuel,auxiliary raw materials as well as sinter ore and coke,etc.among various shops of the plant.
9.3.8 Railway or road transport should be used for hot metal transportation.
9.3.9 If the continuous casting shop is arranged in immediate adjacency to the rolling shop,the semiproduct such as billet or slab shall be transported by roller table.
9.3.10 Materials in form of powder and liquid should be transported by pipe or truck.