The finished map of the previous section summarizes the most important discovery of this chapter, User Experience Mapping is a technique which will help you to understand the users, gain strategic insights, and improve communication. Most problems can and will be solved with improved communication, which can be done by achieving shared understanding. The best communication method for shared understanding is drawing a map.
Before you start mapping, you need to visualize something implementable and create a backlog (list with the most important outcomes) to achieve the opportunity. When creating backlogs, each item should include the role, the requirement, and the reason. (To refresh the mapping lingo, the outputs are products of the map’s usage, whereas the outcomes are the results. The opportunity is the desired outcome we plan to achieve with the aid of the map. This is how we want to change the world. We should start the map with the opportunity.)
This concludes our introduction to User Experience Mapping. In the next chapter, we will have some fun with sticky notes and learn to create User Story Maps.