动词不定式 在动词原形前加to → 起名词、形容词、副词的作用
动名词在动词原形后加-ing →起名词的作用
分词在动词原形后加-ing或-ed → 起形容词的作用

A. 选择恰当的答案。
1. She is (surrounding / surrounded) by kids.
2. The Bible is (reading / read) all over the world.
3. I heard an (exciting / excited) news.
4. She heard her name (calling / called).
5. She heard someone (calling / called) her name.
6. She looked (bored / boring).
7. He had his house (painting / painted) white.
8. The town (calling / called / to call) Buffalo is not far from here.
9. The money (spending / spent / to spend) here is used for children.
10. This is the tower (to build / building / built) by a famous architect.
11. The picture (showed / shown / showing) to me was taken 50 years ago.
12. My parents bought me a (using / used) car.
13. He asked me to bring the box (lying / lain / lied) on the table.
14.When he heard about the result, he looked (disappointing /disappointed).
15. The number of foreigners (interesting / interested) in Korea is increasing.
1. surrounded,表示被动、完成的意思
2. read,表示被动、完成的意思, read的动词原形、过去式、过去分词都是一样的形态
3. exciting,“振奋人心的消息”有主动、进行的意思
4. called,表示被动、完成的意思(被叫)
5. calling,表示主动、进行的意思(叫)
6. bored,“她看起来很无聊。”她不是无聊的人,而是看起来很无聊,所以答案是表示被动的bored
7. painted,表示被动、完成的意思 8. called,表示被动、完成的意思
9. spent,表示被动、完成的意思 10. built,表示被动、完成的意思
11. shown,表示被动、完成的意思 12. used,被使用的,二手的
14. 句子中是“失望的”的意思,所以要用表示被动、完成的过去分词disappointed
15. 句子中是“感兴趣的”的意思,所以用过去分词interested
B. 将括号中所给的动词变为恰当的形态。
1. I felt someone (touch) my shoulder.
2. Look at that (run) boy.
3. The ring (find) in the room is hers.
4. I found the ring (hide) in the drawer.
5. They sat (drink) coffee for two hours.
6. Who is the girl (listen) to music?
7. The man (give) a speech is my uncle.
8. My grandmother told me a lot of (amaze) stories.
9. Do you know why she looks so (worry)?
10. The girl (buy) the book is my girlfriend.
1. touch或touching,表示主动、进行的意思,感官动词feel 2. running,表示主动、进行的意思
3. found,表示被动、完成的意思 4. hidden,表示被动、完成的意思
5. drinking,表示主动、进行的意思 6. listening,表示主动、进行的意思
7. giving,表示主动、进行的意思 8. amazing,表示“神奇的故事”所以应该用现在分词
9. worried,是“她看起来愁眉苦脸”的意思,所以用表示被动、完成的过去分词
10. buying,表示“买书的女孩”的意思,所以用表示主动、进行的现在分词
C. 找出错误并改正。
1. The news about Japan’s earthquake was really terrified.
2. The speech making by the priest was impressive.
3. When I asked a question related with the issue, he gave a confused answer.
1. terrified→terrifying,terrify(让人感到害怕)是主语补足语,要用表示主动、进行的现在分词
2. making→made,是牧师“进行的”演讲,所以用表示被动、完成的过去分词
3. confused→confusing,confuse修饰名词answer,所以用表示主动、进行的现在分词confusing
D. 选出下列句子中画线部分错误的一项。
① The news was surprising.
② I was shocked.
③ The concert was boring.
④ She feels tiring.
⑤ We were interested in the game.
① 消息令人吃惊。(由“主语+谓语+表语”构成的第二类句型)
② 我受到打击。(用被动语态是正确的)
③ 那场音乐会很无聊。(由“主语+谓语+表语”构成的第二类句型)
④ 她感到很累。(她变累了是被动,所以应该是She feels tired)
⑤ 我们对那个游戏很有兴趣。(用表示被动的过去分词)