2.2 基本训练:明度/纯度/色相
Basic Training:Grey Scales/Chroma/Color Wheel
2.2.1 色彩基础理论要点Basic Theory
1.颜色术语 Color Terminology
●Hue: Basically, the name for a given color/wavelength of light:Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Green, Violet, etc.
●Saturation/Chroma: The intensity of a given hue. The further from grey, the more saturated the hue. The closer to grey, the more desaturate the hue. In subtractive mixing such as paint mixing, saturation is lessened by the adding of ANY one color to another, especially black, white and complements.
●Value: Light/dark differences between colors. In their most saturated state, Yellow/Purple is the extreme difference, Red/Green is the minimum difference. Also can be changed by Tint/Tone/Shade (adding White/Gray/Black)
2.三原色/间色/复色 Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Colors
●Three Primaries: Yellow, Red, Blue. These three primary colors can’t be mixed by others. The Itten color wheel is the simplest and works well for pigment based color.
●Three secondaries: Green, Orange, Purple-mixtures of each of the primaries with one another.
●Six Tertiaries: Yellow/orange, red/orange, red/purple, blue/purple, blue-green, yellow/green are the mixture of three (or more) primaries in the color wheel.
●Mixtures of colors with their analogous neighbors on the color wheel. Other color systems have different approaches, like the Munsell System.
3.平面构图法则 Composition Principle
图2-1 色相环
图2-2 蒙塞尔色立体
●Radiation: It is a common constitutional law in nature. There are many types of radiation, such as centrifugal, centripetal and concentric. Radial composition generally has a strong visual impact effect.
●Symmetry: The configuration of the symmetrical axis, the two sides of the symmetrical axis are identical in shape. It can be divided into many specific forms, such as point symmetry, axis symmetry and emission symmetry.
●Balance: Refer to the visual balance between asymmetric graphics, rich in change.
●Duplication: Basic shapes appear many times according to certain rules, forming a unified composition effect.
●Distinctive: Deliberately mutate according to rules, which produces contrast visual effect.
4.格式塔视觉理论 Gestalt Visual Principles
●Visual function has inherent rules, such as the ability of human eyes would get information easier from the upper part. The ability to recognize straight lines is better than curve lines. The recognition speed of horizontal movement is better than vertical movement. Central visual area and peripheral visual area act together. People can only choose to recognize one object at the same time. The greater the contrast between the object and the background, the better for people’s choice.
●People’s perception would be influenced by subjective factors, such as personal expectation, past experience and so on. People always see things holistically before they notice the parts. The process of human perception is not a passive state of acceptance, but a process of comparing and correcting the previous experience and facts in the mind.
5.色彩的对比 About Contrast
●Hue Contrast: Contrast between primaries, secondaries and tertiaries. Yellow/red/blue is the strongest example of this, as the primaries exhibit the strongest difference in range. Undiluted colors are in their most intense saturation. The intensity of the contrast is reduced as the hues move further away from the primary colors into secondary and tertiary.
●Value Contrast: The grey scale is the best example of this, but colors can be tinted, toned and shaded to create similar contrasts. Colors themselves have naturally light, medium or dark values in their most saturated states. The strongest value contrast within the color wheel is the value difference between yellow (light value when saturated) and purple (dark value when saturated).
●Cold-Warm Contrast: The two poles of this contrast are red-orange (warmest) and blue-green (coolest). Yellow through red/purple are warm, while purple through yellow/green are cool. Like the grey scale though, warm and cool are all relative.
●Complementary Contrast: Colors that are opposite one another (separated by 180 degrees) on any color wheel.
●Saturation/Chroma Contrast: Tinting with white, toning with gray, and shading with black alters saturation of the chosen hue. Also adding the complement will decrease the saturation.
●COLOR IS CONTEXTUAL: Basically all perception is simultaneous contrast. A color’s perceived hue, saturation and value would alter depending on its context. In the assignment, if we placed the same gray inside 4 different highly saturated colors, the same gray appears to be 4 different grays in each of the colors, because human eyes seek out the complement of the color in the gray. Therefore the gray against the blue appears lighter and orange, the gray against the yellow appears darker and violet, and the gray against the yellow green takes on a magenta hue and the gray against the red orange appears bluish.
2.2.2 课程作业Basic Project
1.明度 Grey Scales
作业一 灰度色卡
Project I Gray Swatches
Requirement: Draw 100 Gray Scales Swatches and past on 15×20 inch board.
图2-3 明度作业
作业二 灰度图案设计
Project II Grey Graphic Design
Requirement: Design 7.5 inch square gray scale image. Draw images on 8.5×11 inch paper. Use black and white gouache.
作业三 色相环
Project III Color Wheel
●Painting: Start with Primary Yellow and gradually work the way around the color wheel clockwise, adding Orange to the yellow until we get to Orange out of the tube. Then stop using Primary Yellow and add Pure Red to the Orange until they get to Pure Red out of the tube. Then stop using Orange and start adding Rose Violet to the Pure Red until they get to Rose Violet out of the tube and so on through the entire color wheel, until they return to Pure Yellow again. This took students gradually from the warm colors at the beginning through the cool colors at the end. Never mix more than two colors at a time and paint one swatch of each color out of the tube with no mixing and label it for reference. This should make 50-60 swatches ideally.
●Editing: The teacher could help students select the Primaries and Secondaries from the color swatches they have painted, students are responsible for selecting the Tertiaries. The color wheel swatches are made of these mixtures:
Primaries: Red=>Pure Red+<Rose Violet/Blue=Cobalt Blue+Ultramarine Deep/Yellow=Primary Yellow
Secondaries: Green=>Cobalt Green+<Primary Yellow/Orange=Orange+Primary Yellow/Violet=>Violet+<Ultramarine Deep
Tertiaries: Red Violet=Rose Violet+Violet/Blue Violet=<Violet+>Ultramarine Deep/Blue Green=>Turquoise Blue+<Cobalt Green Yellow Green=<Cobalt Green+>Primary Yellow/Orange=<Orange+>Primary Yellow Red Orange=Pure Red+Orange
●Assembly: The teacher handed out a template and do a demo showing students how to cut and tape down swatches to a black mat board. Students were free to come up with their own design or use a basic design that teacher provide.
图2-4 色相环
作业四 纯度图案设计
Project IV Complementary Contrast Graphic Design
Requirements: Design images on 8.5×11 inch paper. Use gouache. Use complements to create neutrals and add black and white.
图2-5 色相环专题授课过程
图2-6 色相环作业
图2-7 对比色专题授课
图2-8 对比色图案设计作业