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Moodle 3.x Teaching Techniques Third Edition
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Chapter 1. Developing an Effective Online Course
The Moodle advantage
What will we accomplish with this book
Some Moodle requisites
Standard modules
Instructional principles and activities
What are we trying to do in an online course?
How does learning take place in an online course?
Access for everyone
Chapter 2. Instructional Material
Selecting and organizing the material
Guiding and motivating students
Keeping discussions on track
Monitoring student participation in a forum
Chapter 3. Collaborative Activities
Interaction involves collaboration
Uses of Chat
Tips for a successful chat
Chapter 4. Assessment
The purpose of assessment
Assessment and your learning objectives
Types of assessments
Keys to successful assessment
Assessment with quizzes and distributed practice
Using quizzes for frequent self-assessment
Making a quiz - a learning tool
Reinforcing expertise with timed quizzes
Assessment and motivation
Frequent self-assessment
Self-generating certificates upon successful completion of assessment activities
Chapter 5. Lesson Solutions
Selecting and sequencing content for Lessons
Getting started - a simple example
Moodling through a course
Controlling the flow through a Lesson
Use a Lesson to create a deck of flash cards
Use an ungraded Lesson to generate materials and strategies for real-world applications
Chapter 6. Wiki Solutions
Using wikis to achieve learning objectives
Individual student wikis
Suggested wiki etiquette
Chapter 7. Glossary Solutions
Helping students learn - schema building
Moodle's glossary functions
Adding memory aids to glossary entries
Student-created class directory
Student-created test questions
Student-created extended definitions
Chapter 8. The Choice Activity
Moodle's choice activity
A look at the choice activity
Student polls
Learning styles
Choosing teams
Students' consent
Students' performance
Preview the final
Chapter 9. Course Solutions
Building the course design document
Prioritizing and selecting based on learning objectives
Understanding your students their technologies and their access
Overcoming course anxiety
Important announcements
Moving blocks to the main course area
The syllabus
Encouraging course completion
Creating certificates
Creating Badges
Motivating interaction via webinars and web conferencing
Chapter 10. Workshop Solution
Workshop overview and use
Workshops and collaborative solutions
Workshop basics
Getting started - setting up the Workshop
Step-by-step example - submissions