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Chapter 1. R Graphics
Base graphics using the default package
Trellis graphs using lattice
Graphs inspired by Grammar of Graphics
Chapter 2. Basic Graph Functions
Creating basic scatter plots
Creating line graphs
Creating bar charts
Creating histograms and density plots
Creating box plots
Adjusting x and y axes' limits
Creating heat maps
Creating pairs plots
Creating multiple plot matrix layouts
Adding and formatting legends
Creating graphs with maps
Saving and exporting graphs
Chapter 3. Beyond the Basics – Adjusting Key Parameters
Setting colors of points lines and bars
Setting plot background colors
Setting colors for text elements – axis annotations labels plot titles and legends
Choosing color combinations and palettes
Setting fonts for annotations and titles
Choosing plotting point symbol styles and sizes
Choosing line styles and width
Choosing box styles
Adjusting axis annotations and tick marks
Formatting log axes
Setting graph margins and dimensions
Chapter 4. Creating Scatter Plots
Grouping data points within a scatter plot
Highlighting grouped data points by size and symbol type
Labeling data points
Correlation matrix using pairs plots
Adding error bars
Using jitter to distinguish closely packed data points
Adding linear model lines
Adding nonlinear model curves
Adding nonparametric model curves with lowess
Creating three-dimensional scatter plots
Creating Quantile-Quantile plots
Displaying the data density on axes
Creating scatter plots with a smoothed density representation
Chapter 5. Creating Line Graphs and Time Series Charts
Adding customized legends for multiple-line graphs
Using margin labels instead of legends for multiple-line graphs
Adding horizontal and vertical grid lines
Adding marker lines at specific x and y values using abline
Creating sparklines
Plotting functions of a variable in a dataset
Formatting time series data for plotting
Plotting the date or time variable on the x axis
Annotating axis labels in different human-readable time formats
Adding vertical markers to indicate specific time events
Plotting data with varying time-averaging periods
Creating stock charts
Chapter 6. Creating Bar Dot and Pie Charts
Creating bar charts with more than one factor variable
Creating stacked bar charts
Adjusting the orientation of bars – horizontal and vertical
Adjusting bar widths spacing colors and borders
Displaying values on top of or next to the bars
Placing labels inside bars
Creating bar charts with vertical error bars
Modifying dot charts by grouping variables
Making better readable pie charts with clockwise-ordered slices
Labeling a pie chart with percentage values for each slice
Adding a legend to a pie chart
Chapter 7. Creating Histograms
Visualizing distributions as count frequencies or probability densities
Setting the bin size and the number of breaks
Adjusting histogram styles – bar colors borders and axes
Overlaying a density line over a histogram
Multiple histograms along the diagonal of a pairs plot
Histograms in the margins of line and scatter plots
Chapter 8. Box and Whisker Plots
Creating box plots with narrow boxes for a small number of variables
Grouping over a variable
Varying box widths by the number of observations