摘要 模塑是一种用符号建模的生物活动能力,而用符号来表征这种模型则是人类特有的能力。人类通过语言模塑了自然时空,使之文本化,文本化的时空被赋予文化意义,反过来作用于人类社会。所谓天道秩序其实是人类感觉、情绪、意志对时空世界结构的文本化,使其成为一种有意味的符号形式,昭示人类社会的结构秩序,使人间秩序合乎天道自然,从而使这种等级秩序产生不可置疑的神圣性,从而将统治阶级的意识形态和社会秩序变成合乎“自然”本性的神话。
关键词 自然 天道 先秦典籍 建模 符号学
Abstract Molding was a biological active capability of using symbol to build the model,and using symbol to express such kind of model is the special ability of man. Mankind molded the natural space and time with language and made it textual,meanwhile,textual space and time was given the cultural meaning and acted on the human society in return. In fact,the order of natural law was a textual which the feeling,emotion and will of human influenced the structure of space and time,the process made it become a meaningful semiotics form revealing the structure order of human society and making the human order conformed to natural law. Therefore,making this hierarchical order unquestionedly divine,and making the ideology and social order of ruling class become myth which accorded with “nature”.
Key words nature natural law the pre-Qin classics molding semiology