更新时间:2021-07-16 17:50:31
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React Cookbook
Packt Upsell
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Working with React
Working with the latest JS features in React
How to do it...
What's new in React?
Using React on Windows
Conquering Components and JSX
Creating our first React component
Getting ready
How it works...
There's more...
Organizing our React application
Styling a component with CSS classes and inline styles
Passing props to a component and validating them with PropTypes
Using local state in a component
Making a functional or stateless component
Understanding React lifecycle methods
Todo list – implementing ComponentWillMount
Pomodoro timer – implementing the constructor and componentDidMount
Crypto coins exchanger – implementing shouldComponentUpdate
Notes – implementing componentWillReceiveProps and componentWillUnmount
C3.js chart – implementing componentDidUpdate
Basic animation – implementing componentWillUpdate
Understanding React Pure Components
How to do it…
How it works…
Preventing XSS vulnerabilities in React
Handling Events Binding and Useful React Packages
Binding methods using the constructor versus using arrow functions
Creating form elements with events
Displaying information in a modal with react-popup
Implementing Airbnb React/JSX Style Guide
Updating our title and meta tags with React Helmet
Adding Routes to Our Application with React Router
Implementing React Router v4