Ⅰ.Arrange the following in proper form,as they should be set out in a business letter.
1.The writer’s name:ABC Trading Co.Ltd.
The writer’s address:71 East Wuyi Road,Changsha,Hunan Province,410000,P.R.C.
3.The date:August 31,2015
4.The receiver’s name:Hudson Oil and Foodstuff Co.Ltd.
5.The receiver’s address:12 Park St.,Liverpool,U.K.
6.The subject:Sunflower Seeds
7.Yours faithfully
8.The writer of the letter:John Smith
9.The writer’s position:sales manager
10.The message:
Dear Sirs,
We thank you for your letter dated August 21,inquiring about the captioned goods.The enclosed catalogue contains details of the different grades of Sunflower Seeds and will enable you to make a suitable choice.
We are awaiting your early order.
Ⅱ.Address an envelope for the above letter in Ex.I.